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Currency conversion

Convert a source currency to a target currency.

Query Parameters
  • currency string required

    The currency alpha code to convert from

  • amount string required

    The amount of currency to convert to destination currency, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

  • targetCurrency string

    The target currency alpha code for the conversion. Defaults to USD


  • currency string

    The currency to convert from.

  • convertedCurrency string

    The currency converted to.

  • amount string

    The amount of currency to convert to destination currency denominated in the major unit. An integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency.

  • convertedAmount string

    The resulting amount of the conversion from currency into convertedCurrency denominated in the smallest denomination for the given currency.

  • rate string

    The conversion rate applied to arrive at the convertedAmount of the convertedCurrency from the amount of currency.
