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Currency conversion



Convert a source currency to a target currency.


Query Parameters

    currency stringrequired

    The currency alpha code to convert from

    amount stringrequired

    The amount of currency to convert to destination currency, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

    targetCurrency string

    The target currency alpha code for the conversion. Defaults to USD



    currency string

    The currency to convert from.

    convertedCurrency string

    The currency converted to.

    amount string

    The amount of currency to convert to destination currency denominated in the major unit. An integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency.

    convertedAmount string

    The resulting amount of the conversion from currency into convertedCurrency denominated in the smallest denomination for the given currency.

    rate string

    The conversion rate applied to arrive at the convertedAmount of the convertedCurrency from the amount of currency.
