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Get a transaction

This endpoint returns the details of a card purchase transaction by a given ID.

Path Parameters
  • transactionId string required

    Primary identifier of the transaction to fetch


  • id string required

    The transaction ID

  • description string required

    A description of the transaction

  • accountId string required

    Which account this transaction belongs to

  • status string required

    Possible values: [init, holding, cleared, failed]

    The status of the transaction

  • cardId string required

    Which card this transaction belongs to

  • amount string required

    The billing amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

  • currency string required

    The billing currency of the transaction

  • acquirerAmount string required

    The acquirer amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

  • acquirerCurrency string required

    The acquirer currency of the transaction

  • lockedFundCurrency string required

    The locked funds' currency of the transaction

  • feeAmount string required

    The fee amount of the transaction

  • chain string required

    The chain of the locked funds on

  • transactionDate date-time required

    The created date formatted in ISO of the transactions

  • processedDate date-time

    The cleared date formatted in ISO of the transactions

  • reference string required

    The reference used when making an enquiry through customer support

  • cardAcceptor object required
  • city string required

    The city of the card acceptor

  • countryCode string required

    The country code of the card acceptor

  • name string required

    The name of the card acceptor

  • creditDebitIndicator string

    Possible values: [credit, debit]

    Indicates if the transaction was a credit or debit

  • web3Transactions object[] required
  • Array [
  • type string required

    Possible values: [debit, credit]

    The type of the web3 transaction:

    • debit - The transaction is from the cardholders’ balance to Immersve balance
    • credit - The transaction is from Immersve balance to cardholders’ balance
  • hash string required

    The hash of the web3 transaction

  • transactionId string

    The associated credit card transaction ID

  • transactionType string

    Possible values: [authorization, clearing, reversal]

    The associated credit card transaction type

  • ]
  • panFirst6 string required

    The first 6 digits of the card's PAN

  • panLast6 string

    The last 4 digits of the card's PAN
