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Get a transaction



This endpoint returns the details of a card purchase transaction by a given ID.


Path Parameters

    transactionId stringrequired

    Primary identifier of the transaction to fetch



    id stringrequired

    The transaction ID

    description stringrequired

    A description of the transaction

    accountId stringrequired

    Which account this transaction belongs to

    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [init, holding, cleared, failed]

    The status of the transaction

    cardId stringrequired

    Which card this transaction belongs to

    amount stringrequired

    The billing amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

    currency stringrequired

    The billing currency of the transaction

    acquirerAmount stringrequired

    The acquirer amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

    acquirerCurrency stringrequired

    The acquirer currency of the transaction

    lockedFundCurrency stringrequired

    The locked funds' currency of the transaction

    feeAmount stringrequired

    The fee amount of the transaction

    chain stringrequired

    The chain of the locked funds on

    transactionDate date-timerequired

    The created date formatted in ISO of the transactions

    processedDate date-time

    The cleared date formatted in ISO of the transactions

    reference stringrequired

    The reference used when making an enquiry through customer support




    city stringrequired

    The city of the card acceptor

    countryCode stringrequired

    The country code of the card acceptor

    name stringrequired

    The name of the card acceptor

    creditDebitIndicator string

    Possible values: [credit, debit]

    Indicates if the transaction was a credit or debit




  • Array [

  • type stringrequired

    Possible values: [debit, credit]

    The type of the web3 transaction:

    • debit - The transaction is from the cardholders’ balance to Immersve balance
    • credit - The transaction is from Immersve balance to cardholders’ balance
    hash stringrequired

    The hash of the web3 transaction

    transactionId string

    The associated credit card transaction ID

    transactionType string

    Possible values: [authorization, clearing, reversal]

    The associated credit card transaction type

  • ]

  • panFirst6 stringrequired

    The first 6 digits of the card's PAN

    panLast6 string

    The last 4 digits of the card's PAN
