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List transactions

List card purchase transactions by account

This API uses cursor-based pagination. Start by making a request without a cursor to get the first page. Use the nextCursor from the pageInfo in the response as the cursor for subsequent requests to retrieve further pages. Continue until nextCursor is undefined, indicating no more data.

Path Parameters
  • accountId string required

    accountId linked to transactions

Query Parameters
  • limit number

    amount of records to return (max 1000)

  • cursor string

    cursor to retrieve the next page

  • fromUTC string

    Filter for transactions from this date (inclusive). Value should be a ISO 8601 string or RFC 2822 string

  • toUTC string

    Filter for transactions up to this date (inclusive). Value should be a ISO 8601 string or RFC 2822 string


Successful operation

  • items object[]
  • Array [
  • id string required

    The transaction ID

  • description string required

    A description of the transaction

  • accountId string required

    Which account this transaction belongs to

  • status string required

    Possible values: [init, holding, cleared, failed]

    The status of the transaction

  • cardId string required

    Which card this transaction belongs to

  • amount string required

    The billing amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

  • currency string required

    The billing currency of the transaction

  • acquirerAmount string required

    The acquirer amount of the transaction, an integer in the smallest denomination for the given currency

  • acquirerCurrency string required

    The acquirer currency of the transaction

  • lockedFundCurrency string required

    The locked funds' currency of the transaction

  • feeAmount string required

    The fee amount of the transaction

  • chain string required

    The chain of the locked funds on

  • transactionDate date-time required

    The created date formatted in ISO of the transactions

  • processedDate date-time

    The cleared date formatted in ISO of the transactions

  • reference string required

    The reference used when making an enquiry through customer support

  • cardAcceptor object required
  • city string required

    The city of the card acceptor

  • countryCode string required

    The country code of the card acceptor

  • name string required

    The name of the card acceptor

  • creditDebitIndicator string

    Possible values: [credit, debit]

    Indicates if the transaction was a credit or debit

  • ]
  • pageInfo object

    Page info for paginated results, undefined if no page info

  • nextCursor string

    Cursor for next page, undefined if no more pages
