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Submit Simulator Authorization



This endpoint can be used to test authorizing a transaction on a simulated card network.

Incremental Authorization

Create an initial authorization then include the requestMsg from this response in the request body of a subsequent authorization.

Force Post

In some scenarios a merchant will force an authorization to be accepted. This is known as force post or force sale. This functionality supports offline authorizations. To simulate this scenario, set the forcePost field to true in your request payload.




    transactionType stringrequired

    Possible values: [purchase, refund]

    Transaction type.

    transactionAmount stringrequired

    Transaction amount as an integer in the smallest denomination of the currency.

    currencyCode string

    Default value: USD

    ISO 4217 currency code.

    cardPan stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{16}$

    Card number.

    cardExpiry stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{6}$

    Card expiry in YYYYMM format.

    cardCvv stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{3}$

    Card CVV.

    authorizationRequestMsg string

    requestMsg of previous authorization returned by this endpoint.

    forcePost boolean

    Indicates whether to force post the transaction.



    requestMsg string

    XML formatted ISO 8583 message sent to the simulated card scheme

    responseMsg string

    XML formatted ISO 8583 message returned from the simulated card scheme

    transactionId number

    ID of the transaction
