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Create Challenge



This endpoint creates a challenge for the user to sign to verify ownership of their web3 address. By signing the message actions such as creating a funding source can be performed.




    purpose stringrequired

    Possible values: [claim-web3-address]

    The purpose of the challenge.

    network stringrequired

    Possible values: [polygon-mainnet, polygon-amoy, arbitrum-mainnet, arbitrum-sepolia, base-mainnet, base-sepolia]

    The blockchain network associated with the web3 address.

    address stringrequired

    The web3 address to which the challenge is directed.


Successful operation


    id string

    The unique identifier of the challenge.

    purpose string

    Possible values: [claim-web3-address]

    The purpose of the challenge.

    address string

    The web3 address to which the challenge is directed.

    network string

    Possible values: [polygon-mainnet, polygon-amoy, arbitrum-mainnet, arbitrum-sepolia, base-mainnet, base-sepolia]

    The blockchain network associated with the web3 address.

    description string

    The description of the challenge.

    expiresAt string

    The time the challenge expires.

    createdAt string

    The time the challenge was created.

    message string

    The message to be signed by the web3 address owner.
