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Sign Up



Sign up a new user and create a new cardholder account.





    loginMethod stringrequired

    Possible values: [algorand]

    The login method to use.

    network stringrequired

    Possible values: [algorand-mainnet, algorand-testnet]

    The blockchain network associated with the web3 address.

    clientApplicationId stringrequired

    ID of the client application created in an Immersve partner profile.

    scopes string[]required

    Possible values: [cardholder-partner]

    An array of authorization scopes requested by the client application.

    address stringrequired

    The web3 address to which the challenge is directed.


Successful operation


    id string

    The unique identifier of the login request.

    loginMethod string

    The login method used.

    mode string

    Possible values: [cardholder-signup]

    Identifies intention of the user.

    network string

    The blockchain network associated with the web3 address.

    clientApplicationId string

    ID of the client application created in an Immersve partner profile.

    scopes string[]

    Possible values: [cardholder-partner]

    An array of authorization scopes requested by the client application.

    createdAt string

    The date and time the login request was created.

    url url

    Domain in the "<domain> wants you to sign in.." of the EIP-4361 is derived from the host fragment of this parameter. The client application identified by clientApplicationId must allow this URL.

    address string

    The web3 address to which the challenge is directed.



    description string

    The description of the challenge.

    createdAt string

    The date and time the challenge was created.

    expiresAt string

    The date and time the challenge expires.


    The message to be signed by the web3 address owner.
