HTTP Status Codes

Immersve APIs respond with 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, or 429 HTTP status codes. In rare cases endpoints may respond with status codes in the 5xx range.

Please note that certain legacy or deprecated endpoints API endpoints could operate slightly outside the norms described below. Any such exceptions will be documented on the endpoints.

200 OK

Your request was successfully processed, enjoy!

400 Malformed request

This code indicates a syntax error in your request and that adjustments are required on your end. Usually, the response body will contain more information on what went wrong.

Don't try again, as it will result in the same response.


  • Make sure your HTTP body fields are set correctly.
  • Check query parameters are set correctly.
  • Check path parameters are set correctly.

401 Unauthorized

API key or JWT is missing, expired or invalid. Refer to our Authentication guide for more information.

403 Forbidden

Resource is missing, permission is denied or there is a business rule violation.

Resource missing or permission denied

  • Check the resource id is correct.
  • Check your user or API key has membership for the account that owns the resource you are accessing.
  • Check your user or API key's roles for the account allow the required action.

Business rule violated

In cases where access to a resource is granted but a request is still forbidden due to a business rule violation, a 403 status code is returned with additional details in the errorCode field of the response body. Specific errorCode values and their meanings will be documented on each endpoint.

Example 403 Response
"statusCode": 403,
"statusName": "Forbidden",
"reason": "Withdrawal amount exceeds Funding Source balance"

404 Not Found

Similar to a 400 code but specific to scenarios where an incorrect URL or HTTP method is used. Review our API reference to ensure you are making the correct request.

429 Too Many Requests

Rate limits have been exceeded.


  • Check the Retry-After HTTP response header for the number of seconds before the next request will be accepted.
  • Contact to increase your limits.

5xx Server Error

Errors in the 5xx range suggest a problem on our side. Usually, retrying your request might resolve the issue. Our engineering team monitors these errors closely but bug reports are also welcome at