Clearing Reports

The clearing report can be used to review all card purchase clearings for a given period.

cardTokenUnique identifier of the card.
transactionIdUnique identifier of the associated card transaction.
authorizationIdUnique identifier of the original authorization request received via the card scheme network.
transactionTypeISO 8583 message class. This is a messaging standard for payments initiated with a card.
merchantCurrencyLocal currency of the country where the transaction was processed.
merchantAmountAmount of the transaction, in minor units of the local currency.
billingCurrencyCurrency of the card holder's account balance.
billingAmountAmount of the transaction, in minor units of the billing currency.
settlementCurrencyCurrency the card issuer selects to be paid in.
settlementAmountAmount to be settled, in minor units of the settlement currency. This amount may include fees.
exchangeRateExchange rate applied between the merchant amount and the billing amount.
accountIdUnique identifier of the account which the card belongs to.
merchantIdUnique identifier of the merchant.
merchantNameName of the merchant.
merchantCityCity of the merchant.
merchantCountryCountry of the merchant.
createdAtWhen the transaction was created, expressed in UNIX epoch time.
approvedAtWhen the transaction was approved, expressed in UNIX epoch time.
mccFour-digit number listed in ISO 18245. Used to classify a business by the types of goods or services it provides.
channelChannel used to initialize the transaction. Examples include ATM, and Online.


789f7719eab12100789653487c136165,1000000324137,1000000324138,1200,USD,500,USD,500,USDC,6000000,1.0000000000,e64aa69f0a9af2d664e5989bd7f22562,000000000000000,Family Clothing Store,Auckland,NZL,2023-04-18T01:08:06.435Z,2023-04-18T01:08:09.144Z,5651,Online