Funding Protocols

A funding protocol determines the method by which a card is provided with available balance. How a cardholder can deposit or withdraw, and how the Immersve platform can settle or refund.

Cards can be funded by a variety of protocols. These variants and their use cases are described in the following sections.

On-Chain Funding

Whether your app is custodial or non-custodial you can pre-fund cardholder spend with deposits on-chain.

Non-custodial On-Chain Funding

Users pre-fund card spend by making deposits to your instance of the Protocol.

Custodial On-Chain Funding

Your app funds card spend by making deposits to your instance of the Protocol.

Flexi Variant

An on-chain funding protocol variant that is designed to be optimized for decentralization. Each individual cardholder has their own funding address. Cardholder balance can be inspected on-chain and permission-less withdrawal is supported. See Algorand Funding Protocol for more information.

Universal Variant

An on-chain funding protocol variant that is designed to be optimized for gas fees. It can be used by both custodial and non-custodial users. Individual cardholder balances are pooled together and recorded off-chain. See Universal EVM Funding Protocol for more information.

Funding Simulator

A test funding protocol which can be used for experimenting with Immersve APIs without configuring on-chain components. See Simulator Funding Protocol.

Funding Types

A Funding Type is the combination of a protocol, network and token. It determines the behavior of any Funding Source related to a particular partner Funding Channel.

The table below shows the supported Funding Types on the Immersve Platform.

Funding TypeNetworkFunding ProtocolToken
algorand-testnet-usdcAlgorand TestnetAlgorand Funding ProtocolUSDC
algorand-usdcAlgorandAlgorand Funding ProtocolUSDC
ethereum-sepolia-usdc-universal-evm-testEthereum SepoliaUniversal EVM Funding ProtocolUSDC
polygon-amoy-usdc-universal-evm-testPolygon AmoyUniversal EVM Funding ProtocolUSDC
polygon-usdc-universal-evm-livePolygonUniversal EVM Funding ProtocolUSDC
simulator-usdcNo NetworkSimulator Funding ProtocolUSDC