Fetching Secure Card Information

Secure card information describes the details of a card that only a cardholder should have access to. This includes the card's 16 digit PAN (Primary Account Number), expiry date, and security code (CVC/CVV).

The steps for retrieving secure card details are as follows:

  1. Call the Get A Card Token endpoint with the card ID.
  2. Call the GET URL specified in the callbackUrl response body field. The callbackUrl can only be used once, subsequent calls to this URL will return a 403 response code.

Card Sensitive Info Sequence
Reveal Card Sensitive Info Sequence

Example code snippet

import axios from 'axios';
// Using non-custodial authentication
const tokenResponse = await axios.post(
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer eyJhbvbbfg', // jwt token,
const secureCardDetail = await axios.get(tokenResponse.callbackUrl);
// Using custodial authentication
const tokenResponse = await axios.post(
headers: {
'x-api-key': 'imm-key-prod-LIVE-6e7e3821983ef6fe6cecabdbc8571bbf',
'x-api-secret': 'imm-secret-prod-LIVE-95b90292dfd747c143a9d258a93fb835',
'x-account-ID': '8gh464292dfd747c143a9d258aj6jdkd8', // target account ID (the account ID this card belongs to)
const secureCardDetail = await axios.get(tokenResponse.callbackUrl);