The Immersve SIWE User Session login method allows EVM wallet addresses to authenticate with Immersve APIs. See Authentication for more details about how to authenticate with Immersve APIs.
SIWE Login Message Format
The Initiate Login endpoint produces a message that needs to be signed by the user's wallet. The message format for the siwe
login method is a Sign-In With Ethereum EIP-4361 message. wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:0xA3058369d6A481B1ff08F62B352409c3D709De9b
Sign in with Ethereum to the app. This request will not trigger a blockchain transaction or cost any gas fees.
URI: https://api.immersve.comVersion: 1Chain ID: 1Nonce: 2hFm7TDbZmerUgnrJIssued At: 2022-08-11T22:29:48.244Z
Access and refresh tokens are obtained by submitting the message signature to the Complete Login endpoint.
Example Login Script
The following script demonstrates how to authenticate with the Immersve siwe
login method using the Node.js Ethers SDK and Axios HTTP client.
#!/usr/bin/env node
const ethers = require('ethers');const axios = require('axios');
const baseUrl = '';const clientId = 'd0b05d44204810fc61991a49e289dda3';const clientUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';const mnemonic = process.env['MNEMONIC'] || ethers.Wallet.createRandom().mnemonic.phrase;
async function main() { const wallet = ethers.Wallet.fromPhrase(mnemonic); const addr = await wallet.getAddress(); const initResponse = await axios.request({ baseURL: baseUrl, method: 'POST', url: '/auth/login-init', data: { loginMethod: 'siwe', network: 'polygon-amoy', clientApplicationId: clientId, scopes: [ 'cardholder-partner' ], address: addr, url: clientUrl, autoSignup: true } }); console.log('loginRequest',; const { data: registerRequest } = initResponse; const encodedData = new TextEncoder().encode( registerRequest.signingChallenge.message ); const signature = await wallet.signMessage(registerRequest.signingChallenge.message); const loginResponse = await axios.request({ baseURL: baseUrl, method: 'POST', url: '/auth/login-complete', data: { loginRequestId:, signature, } }); console.log('sessionInfo',;}
main().catch(err => { console.log(err); process.exitCode = 1;});