
Depending on the use case and operation, either API key or user session authentication mechanism may be used.

The user session authentication method allows client applications to act on behalf of users within scopes explicitly granted by the user and is typically used by decentralized applications and web3 wallets. API keys might be used for administrative operations and for applications not using SIWE authentication for their users such as custodial wallets and exchanges.

Contact us to provision credentials for your application.

API Key Authentication

Each request must be made with the following headers:


  • x-api-key - The API key issued by Immersve
  • x-api-secret - The API secret issued by Immersve

Target account:

  • x-account-id - The account ID targeted by the operation. This can be omitted if the target is the root account (such as when creating an account for example)

The caller must have the correct permissions over this account to perform the requested operation.

User Session Authentication

The use of web3-native authentication mechanisms within the context of card issuance means that the same level of protection to a user's funds in self-custodial wallets is applied to their activities as a cardholder.

The following authentication methods are supported:

  • SIWE
  • Algorand
  • XRPL

Accounts are identified by blockchain address. The cardholder can prove ownership of an address by signing a challenge using their web3 wallet. Upon successful authentication, Immersve will issue an access token for subsequent use in interactions with the Immersve API. Additionally, a refresh token will also be provided, enabling the request of a new access token when the current one expires.

Subsequent requests for protected resources from the Immersve API may be authenticated by supplying the access token in the Authorization header.

Login Flow

Login Sequence
Message Signing Login Sequence Diagram

1. Sign up

For first time users, the client application initiates the signup process by sending a request to the Sign up API and a cardholder account will be created. The Sign up endpoint operates exactly like the Initiate Login endpoint mentioned below, except Initiate Login does not create a cardholder account.

2. Login

For returning users, the client application initiates the login process by sending a request to the Initiate Login API. The response contains a challenge message to be signed by the user's wallet. Users must first authenticate with this endpoint before performing other actions such as creating a funding source.

When sending a login or sign up request, authorization scopes must be passed. These scopes are presented to the user when signing the challenge message and are used to determine the level of access the user is granting to the application. The following scopes are available:

  • cardholder-partner - Manage cards within your {partnerName} Immersve account

For example: wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:
Sign in with Ethereum to the app. This request will not trigger a blockchain transaction or cost any gas fees.
Version: 1
Chain ID: 1
Nonce: 2hFm7TDbZmerUgnrJ
Issued At: 2022-08-11T22:29:48.244Z

3. Sign Message

Invoke the wallet's message signing capability to get a signature for the given challenge message. Each network does message signing differently.

Below are example scripts for each login method which create an account and use it to sign a challenge:

const ethers = require('ethers');
const axios = require('axios');
(async () => {
const privateKey = ''; // TODO: Set private key here
const clientApplicationId = ''; // TODO: Set client application ID here
const addr = ''; // TODO: Set address here
const url = ''; // TODO: Set URL here
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey);
const { data: registerRequest } = await'/auth/signup', {
loginMethod: 'siwe',
network: 'polygon-mainnet',
scopes: ['cardholder-partner'],
address: addr,
console.log('registerRequest', registerRequest);
const signature = await wallet.signMessage(registerRequest.signingChallenge.message);
const { data: registerCompleteRequest } = await'/auth/login-complete', {
console.log('registerCompleteRequest', registerCompleteRequest);
const { data: loginRequest } = await'/auth/login-init', {
loginMethod: 'siwe',
network: 'polygon-mainnet',
scopes: ['cardholder-partner'],
address: addr,
console.log('loginRequest', loginRequest);
const signature2 = await wallet.signMessage(loginRequest.signingChallenge.message);
const { data: loginCompleteRequest } = await'/auth/login-complete', {
signature: signature2,
console.log('loginCompleteRequest', loginCompleteRequest);
})().catch((err) => console.log(err));

4. Submit Signed Challenge

Submit the signed challenge along with the signature to get the access token and a refresh token. The refresh token is used to obtain a new access token when the current access token expires, ensuring continuous access without requiring the user to log in again.

5. Use Access Token

The access token should be used for subsequent requests for protected resources from the Immersve API by supplying it in the Authorization header.

Refresh Tokens

The refresh token is a long-lived token that can be used to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to re-authenticate.

Refresh Token Flow

Before making a request, check the expiry of the access token. If the token is expired, use the refresh token to obtain a new access token.

To obtain a new access token, call the Auth Token Exchange API using the refresh token you received during authentication. This will return a new access token and refresh token to be exchanged when the new access token expires.

Refresh Sequence
Refresh Token Exchange Sequence Diagram


Logging out of the application involves invalidating the current session to ensure it can no longer be used for accessing protected resources within the Immersve API. All access tokens connected with the session will become unusable.

Logout Flow

Initiate Logout Request: The client application sends a logout request to the Logout API, including the current access token for validation.

Session Invalidated: Immersve invalidates the session and ensures that all access tokens related to the session are rejected by future requests.

Client Cleanup: The client application may discard the stored session information such as the access token and refresh token.