We've built a Postman Collection with content that maps to two general use-cases:
- API Endpoints Section — A sub-collection that includes example requests, from a non-custodial context, for all of our https://docs.immersve.com/api-reference/category/api-reference/. This allows interested parties to immediately get hands on with the full range of our API.
- Custodial-Integration Guide Section — This sub-collection has reduced API scope, but focuses on getting a custodial partner up and running with their integration as quickly as possible. The request structure in this collection maps directly to the sequence described in https://docs.immersve.com/guides/custodial-card-issuing-integration/.
Postman is a free to use API platform for building and using APIs. Follow these easy steps to get up and running with our API in minutes:
Set up Postman Collection and Environment
Download our Postman Collection JSON file and import it using Postman.
Download our Postman Environment JSON file and import it using Postman.
Either use the Public Sandbox partner account credentials that are already loaded into our Postman Environment file, or replace these with your own
and card issuer/account admin API keys and API secrets.
Authentication within the Postman Collection
Immersve APIs support authentication through both API keys and Bearer Token. Examples of both are provided within the two content sections outline above:
- API Endpoints Section — Demonstrates authentication via Bearer Token. Use the Initiate Login and Complete Login endpoints to sign a challenge with your web3 wallet and obtain an access token and refresh token.
- Custodial-Integration Guide Section — Demonstrates authentication via API Key. You can use your
card issuer
oraccount admin
API keys.
See our Authentication guide for more details.
Additional Requirements
Some endpoints have additional requirements that must be met before they can be used. Once you have created a funding source you can call Get Spending Prerequisites to see a list of unmet requirements.
- Before creating cards cardholders must pass a KYC check.
- See our Card Funding guide for details on depositing funds.